Wednesday, 11 November 2015

A conversation with the beggar with no legs.

A conversation with the beggar with no legs.

He was struggling to get up and relax himself to the side wall. He asked for help and people thought it was money he was asking for. He had been struggling to speak and communicate from the first day of his life. Born with no legs, he was useless to the human society and was thrown out of the house which he had no remembrance of now. Rarely he had food as he couldn't crawl to the road side stalls because of his body being infected with severe malnutrition.

For the thirty minutes of my presence there, he didn't look into my eyes and was gazing at the food and clearing his teary eyes. I served him with whatever I had, food, money and help. He had no stick to support him, no utensils and almost no clothes. 

People give me money but I can't use it, as it's difficult to reach the nearest place to eat. Sometimes I just want people to help me get up and take place under shelter but rarely I get a response. The dogs out there are my friends, they have fed me more than my mother and other humans. They come at night and sit beside me and sometimes hold my hand with their paws. There is no use of my life and I wish I get killed soon as the pain is not bearable. 

"It was the crowd making mundane purchase for the festival and didn't bother to give a look to someone waiting to die. No one shared a piece from their plate to feed the needy and expected prosperity in life. "

It is easy to ignore and ridicule but the real pride and enjoyment is in helping others.